Vaginal bleeding between periods is not normally a cause for concern. If the blood period is light, it is called 'spotting.' Haemorrhage between periods can have a range of causes, including hormonal changes, injury, or an underlying health condition.

Bleeding between periods refers to whatsoever bleeding that occurs afterward the period ends, or earlier the menstruum is due to brainstorm. When this happens, a person may notice light brown spotting in their underwear or a heavy flow resembling a regular catamenia.

In this article, we expect at the possible causes of bleeding between periods, possible means to prevent spotting, and when to see a doctor.

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There can be a diversity of reasons for breakthrough bleeding, most of which are no cause for concern.

The medical term for bleeding between periods is metrorrhagia. It is also known every bit spotting or breakthrough bleeding.

The menstrual cycle refers to the time between the first day of one period and the first day of the next. The cycle typically lasts between 25 and 30 days only can exist longer or shorter.

A period refers to the time when a adult female bleeds each month, which usually lasts betwixt 2 and 7 days. Periods are dissimilar for every woman.

There is a variety of reasons for haemorrhage between periods:

Hormonal contraceptives

Hormonal contraceptives are a common cause of vaginal bleeding between periods. If they do crusade irregular bleeding, it ordinarily merely occurs for the first 3 months of using the contraceptive.

Some examples of hormonal contraceptives include:

  • intrauterine device (IUD)
  • nascence control patch
  • vaginal ring
  • contraceptive pill
  • contraceptive implant

If haemorrhage between periods is very heavy or lasts for longer than 3 months, it may be a skillful thought to seek medical advice. Changing to an alternative grade of contraception tin can often stop quantum bleeding.

Bleeding between periods tin happen if a person does non take their hormonal contraception according to the instructions. For example, a woman may miss taking a contraceptive pill, or accept a problem with a birth control patch. This tin can sometimes cause spotting.

Emergency contraception

Using emergency contraceptive may also cause bleeding. This applies to both forms of emergency contraceptive: the forenoon afterward pill and the IUD.

Implantation bleeding

Some women experience spotting shortly after condign pregnant, mark the moment when the fertilized egg implants into the lining of the uterus. This is called implantation bleeding. They may likewise feel a slight cramping in the uterus.


Bleeding betwixt menstrual periods is one early sign of a miscarriage. Miscarriages tin can occur at any time during pregnancy and may happen before a woman is enlightened that she is pregnant.


Many people experience some bleeding after having a termination or abortion. Spotting may concluding for several weeks subsequently having an in-dispensary process or taking the abortion pill. If bleeding is very heavy, seek medical advice.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can cause vaginal bleeding. Chlamydia is a typical example. Also as spotting between periods, chlamydia can cause haemorrhage during or after sex.


If the skin or tissue of the vagina is damaged, it can bleed. The almost mutual fashion for this to happen is during penetrative sex. Information technology is much more likely if the vagina is dry.

The body produces a natural lubricant that prepares the vagina for penetrative sex. Vaginal dryness can be acquired by many factors including a lack of arousal, changing hormone levels due to menopause, diabetes, or cancer treatment.

Menopause or perimenopause

Menopause usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55. Information technology is marked every bit the fourth dimension at which a woman has not had a catamenia for 1 year.

Perimenopause is the menstruation leading upwardly to menopause. This tin can terminal for up to ten years as hormone levels in the body alter.

Hormone levels are often unstable during perimenopause. This can cause irregular periods, spotting, and heavy haemorrhage.

Polyps in the cervix or vagina

Polyps are pocket-size growths. They tin develop in the uterus or on the neck, which is the structure between the vagina and uterus. In some cases, polyps can cause bleeding and may need to be removed.

Sure cancers

In most cases, bleeding between periods is not a cause for business organisation. However, vaginal bleeding between periods is ane possible symptom of certain types of cancer. Cervical cancer can bear on women of any age. It is most mutual in sexually agile women between the ages of 30 and 45.

Bleeding between periods or after sex is usually the first symptom of cervical cancer. Other early on symptoms include pain or discomfort while having sex, or unpleasant-smelling vaginal belch.

Uterine or womb cancer tends to occur in women over 50. Vaginal bleeding is too an early on symptom of this type of cancer, particularly if the haemorrhage occurs after menopause.

Uterine cancer by and large affects women who have reached menopause. This means that they no longer have periods. For this reason, any vaginal bleeding subsequently menopause should exist noted as unusual.

If women accept not reached menopause, bleeding may happen between periods. Sometimes haemorrhage is heavier than usual. Less common symptoms include pain during sex or pain in the abdomen.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that tin crusade irregular periods, too equally some bleeding between periods. Other symptoms include fertility problems, weight gain, and oily skin or acne.

Endometriosis or adenomyosis

Chronic conditions that affect the uterus, such every bit endometriosis or adenomyosis, can cause bleeding or spotting between periods. These atmospheric condition may as well crusade heavy or painful menstrual periods and cramps between periods.

If vaginal bleeding betwixt periods is heavy or persistent, a woman should seek medical advice.

Beingness aware of whatsoever other symptoms related to spotting between periods can help a doc to diagnose an underlying medical issue.

If a adult female has recently begun taking a hormonal contraceptive, bleeding may settle after 3-vi months. If it does not, see the prescribing doctor. It may be possible to change contraceptive methods to avoid this problem.

STIs are contagious and tin can cause long-term health problems. If a person suspects an STI is causing vaginal bleeding, they should see a medical professional person for testing and treatment. Most STIs are curable, usually with antibiotics.

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Keeping a record of any bleeding between periods can assist a doctor in making a diagnosis.

Treatment volition depend on the underlying cause. Keeping track of when bleeding happens, how often information technology lasts, and how much claret is lost tin can help a doctor diagnoses a cause.

Cervical cancer testing, known as screening or a pap smear, checks for anything unusual in the tissue of the cervix. The American Cancer Order recommend that women should begin attending cervical screening at the age of 21.

Small tears and haemorrhage tin be caused by impairment to dry skin in the vagina. Using an bogus lubricant and ensuring arousal earlier sex can prevent impairment to the vagina during sex activity.

There is no cure for PCOS, simply information technology is possible to manage the symptoms. Treatment can include losing weight, taking hormonal contraceptives, and using metabolic treatments.

Vaginal bleeding between periods can cause anxiety or stress. It may likewise be painful or uncomfortable depending on the cause.

Anyone experiencing underlying health bug, such as an STI, should seek treatment equally soon equally possible. In astringent cases, an STI can create problems with fertility.

An early cancer diagnosis increases the risk that treatment will be successful and a person will recover.

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Hormonal contraceptives are a common crusade of irregular bleeding.

The well-nigh mutual reasons for vaginal bleeding between periods are hormonal contraceptives or changes relating to menopause.

Regular cervical screening is an essential part of preventive healthcare that can help to find any unusual cells early.

Being aware of any other symptoms and seeking medical advice tin can assistance a doctor to diagnose or rule out a possible wellness problem.

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